Safety TIPS

Safety TIPS are Timely to Increase Performance in Safety

  1. Spend a few minutes at the start of your team meeting to discuss Safety.

    • This demonstrates safety leadership and fosters safety performance improvement in your team.

  2. Make your Safety TIPS timely in duration and timely to the hazards that your team is facing.

    • In late spring or summer, for instance, discuss Water, Rest, and Shade as temperatures are warming up. Spend a few minutes presenting and a few minutes discussing ways to live out Water, Rest and Shade.

    • Notice a trend in near misses or close calls? Discuss that as one of your Safety TIPS.

  3. Rotate responsibility of delivering Safety TIPS to keep the team engaged.

    • When someone has to lead the discussion, they’ll be much more likely to not only remember it, but also live it out.
